Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Black & White Ebony with bronze or steel?

One of the more common questions I get is people looking for recommendations for infill materials and what the best sidewall material would be - from an aesthetic standpoint. That is a really tough question to answer - most infill wood will look great with either bronze or steel. So I usually ask them if they have a preference for steel or bronze or if there is a particular infill wood they are after. The answer to either of those questions can help the process.

In 2004, I found a stash of Ebony commonly called ‘Black & White Ebony’. There was one piece that stood out to me - it had great definition between the black and white sections and had that wonderful pillowing that Ziricote is known for. It was just large enough for 2 XSNo.4s and I roughed those sets out as soon as I got home. As soon as the dehumidification kiln was completed, they stayed in there for a few years and then back out onto the storage shelf waiting for a home.

After a recent conversation about pairing infill wood with sidewall material, I noticed these 2 sets on the shelf and decided to make these 2 planes to show the difference between steel and bronze with a common infill wood. I made a few ‘spare’ planes a couple months ago and the response was very positive, so decided the risk of making 2 more was not too high. Besides - I was curious to see them myself.

Here are a couple more photos of the pair and then some photos of the individual planes.

XSNo.4 with bronze sides and Black & White Ebony infill. The plane is 5-1/2" long, has a 1-1/2" wide, high carbon steel blade with a 52.5 degree bed angle. The price is $1,700.00 Cdn + actual shipping costs. 

XSNo.4ss with steel sides, a stainless steel lever cap and screw, with Black & White Ebony infill. The plane is 5-1/2" long, has a 1-1/2" wide, high carbon steel blade with a 52.5 degree bed angle. The price is $1,850.00 Cdn + actual shipping costs.  

In my spare time, I have been picking away at the screen door and surround for the front of the house. I found the door knobs and hinges at the Tools of the Trade show last month. It was curious timing. Two days before the show, I commented to Jill that I thought we should take a trip to St. Jacobs to poke around in the various antique stores to see if we could find some hardware for the screen door - I refused to use new hardware. 

When Joe and I were setting up for the Tools of the Trade Show - I walked across the Aisle to see what Ivan had brought and noticed this set right away. It was an easy sell and would work perfectly for the door and our house. 

The hinges are not a perfect match to the door knob, but are very close and the reveal on the back of the hinges was too good to be true.


  1. It's interesting, before the bronze you use has always looked more like brass to me. With this infill, however, this is the first time it has actually
    looked 'bronze'.

  2. I appreciate that you are soliciting comments. Since you asked, and this is about aesthetics, I prefer the steel sides to the bronze one. I think it provides a nice contrast/setting for the Black & White Ebony. The Steel showcases what a nice piece of wood infill you have selected. With the Bronze plane, the 'red' of the bronze doesn't mesh with the White Ebony. It is not a compliment color nor a contrast. The word that keeps popping into my mind comes from an art teacher I had when a piece wasn't working; mud. The Bronze side to me appears to diminish the effectiveness of using this particular piece of wood. Maybe you could add a patina to the bronze? Just a thought.
    As an aside, I think you got a great find on the door hardware.
    Enjoy the day.

  3. Gotta go with the steel look this time Konrad.
    That is some amazing Ebony you found. Never heard of or seen anything like it.
    Great hardware and it will work better than the new stuff too!!

  4. Hi Konrad,
    In the name of international diplomacy, I will not bring my Bruins shirt to Iowa. I never heard back from you, but I will assume you got my message regarding my initial impressions of the desert ironwood smoother.


  5. Fabulous timber, it has to be the steel for me, love the contrast. Door furniture.. utterly brilliant, I havn't seen anything like that over here, keep up the great work.

